SMWC has set a goal of one-to-one technology and began a few years ago with the introduction of MacBook Pro laptops for all music majors, which continues. All incoming new students will be issued an iPad Air and returning upperclassmen will be given the opportunity to purchase the technology bundle at a reduced rate.
This technology program is another step towards the goal of attaining an Apple Distinguished School designation, which will be achieved through technology integration of Apple products throughout the campus and enrichment of the curriculum.
Provided Technology
- Apple iPad Air (64gb/Wi-Fi)
- Three years of Apple Care
- Latest wireless technology throughout each building
- Planning for additional wireless technology in shared greenspaces on campus
- Technology bars on every floor of Le Fer Hall
- Printing is free with printers in every building including each floor of Le Fer Hall
- Access to Microsoft 365 for free including OneDrive file storage
- The Service desk provides assistance to help through any tech issues